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Frances Bukovsky (b. 1996 they/them) makes images about the intricate relationship between bodies, environments, and identities within the context of chronic illness, disability, and queerness. Bukovsky applies interdisciplinary research to self portraiture, documentary photography, and camera-less photography to make projects that connect intimate personal experience to broader systemic issues.


Raised in rural New York, Bukovsky earned a BFA in Photography and Imaging from Ringling College of Art and Design in 2018. Since then, Bukovsky has been actively showing their work in venues such as the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, The Bascom: A Center for the Arts, TILT Institute for the Contemporary Image, and Circle Gallery at University of Georgia in Athens. In 2020 Bukovsky published their debut monograph “Vessel,” and became a co-founding member of the Kinship Photography Collective.


Bukovsky invites viewers to contemplate the complexities of the human body, the significance of place, and how body and place intersect with identity. Through weaving photographs, writing, and research together, Bukovsky encourages conversations about how individual experiences connect to societal structures such as the medical industrial complex, disability rights, and environmental change.


Bukovsky currently lives in Marshall, NC.

To see more behind the scenes of Bukovsky's art practice, take a look at their Patreon here.


Instagram: @Frances_Bukovsky

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